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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Reading Roundup
The Devil's Tale "Celebrates Banned Book Week." Share your banned book story with them.
The Chronicle of Higher Education asks whether digitized books "feel like a library" in "Digitizing The Personal Library."
Also in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "What Are Books Good For" questions when books became the enemy.
In The Library With A Lead Pipe (one of my favorite library blogs) ponders how to collect meaningful data about our instruction efforts in their post "Articulating Value in Special Collections."
Parks Library Preservation at Iowa State has a nicely written ode to Carolyn Harris and Paul Banks, leaders in our field. Read "Thank you Paul and Carolyn, et al," Then tell your favorite teacher or mentor how much they mean to you.
And finally over on Work of the Hand , our former staff member and student, Henry Hebert, is blogging about what he is learning in the book binding program at the North Bennett Street School this semester.
Image from Duke University Libraries Ad Access, click on image for details.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Word Cloud: 2010 Conservation Program Report
Monday, September 20, 2010
It's Better Than Christmas!
My fabulous student Anne unpacked and inventoried these in about two hours. Our shelves are fully stocked with brand new, shiny binders which means we can now get back to the business of preparing pamphlets for the shelf. Yippeee!
Yes, I'm irrationally exuberant about supplies. I'm the same way with paste recipes and statistics, just ask anyone in the lab.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Where Art and Libraries Meet
Monday, September 13, 2010
Banks/Harris Award Nominations Sought
Nominations are being accepted for the 2011 Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris Preservation Award. The deadline for nominations is December 1, 2010.
Banks/Harris Preservation Award:
The award was established to honor the memory of Paul Banks and Carolyn Harris, early leaders in library preservation. The award, $1,500 and a citation, sponsored by Preservation Technologies, L.P., is given to a professional preservation specialist who has been active in the field of preservation and/or conservation for library and/or archival materials. Winners will be chosen based on: leadership in professional associations at local, state, regional or national levels; contributions to the development, application or utilization of new or improved methods, techniques and routines; significant contribution to professional literature; evidence of studies or research in preservation; and training and mentoring in the field of preservation.
Send nominations, a formal statement of nomination that provides a strong rationale for the nomination by addressing how the nominee meets the criteria for the award, letters of support for the nomination and a complete resume for the nominee to:
Hilary Seo, chair, Banks/Harris Jury
Iowa State University
441 Parks Library
Ames, IA 50011-2140
For more information about the award and past recipients visit the Banks Harris page.
Further questions about the award are welcome and may be directed to any of the committee members:
Beth Doyle, b.doyle@duke.edu
Jake Nadal, jnadal@library.ucla.edu
Lene Palmer, lenep@gmu.edu
Hilary Seo, hseo@iastate.edu
Peter D. Verheyen, pdverhey@syr.edu
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Saving Serials
I put them in the press for a very long time, giving the pages the opportunity to flatten out and stay that way. Then, as any good manager will do, I delegated the treatment to Mary, my talented Senior Conservation Technician.